“Salaam Venky” is a deeply stirring and inspirational cinematic journey, drawing its inspiration from the remarkable true story of Venkatesh, brilliantly portrayed by Vishal Jethwa. He’s not just a chess enthusiast; he’s a spirited young warrior in a relentless battle against a rare adversary. The narrative unfolds as Venky grapples with his deteriorating physical condition,…
Tag: Hindi Movie
“Once Again” – Movie Review
Thanks to the OTT platforms, there is no dearth of the variety of content available online. I mostly scan Netflix or Prime in search of some interesting movies. Today, I settled for ” Once Again” , a movie of 2018 starting Shefali Shah and Neeraj Kabi. Shefali is one of my favourites and this is…
With lockdown, the movie theater has come into my bedroom because my TV is in my bedroom 🙂 . Though not a great movie or TV watcher, once in a while, I do scroll different apps. Yesterday, I happened to go on Netflix and Pagglait caught my attention. I misunderstood it for “pigtail” as Paggtail…