Old age homes or senior community living are a new concept in Indian society, where the onus of taking care of elders fall on the shoulders of the next generation. It was a usual practice when people were not so mobile. They used to sacrifice many opportunities as they do not want to move away from the comfort of their homes. We all know society is a dynamic identity. Changes are bound to happen.
In the last three decades, it is observed that people have shed their inhibition of exploring new opportunities in far-off places, countries, or even continents. This movement resulted in parents being left behind alone in their homes. The hilly states are seeing the worst consequences of this migration as many remote villages have no young population left. Only the aged population is there and life becomes very tough for those staying there.
In cities, big or small a new concept of old age homes and senior living residential complexes is becoming popular.
When the children are working in far-off places and they have their own commitments, it becomes tough for them to visit their family home often. They want their parents to move with them but their parents do not want to leave their own place. Living alone in old age has safety issues. The children want their parents to live happily, safely, and in a peaceful place in their own city.
So, the next logical step is to keep parents either in old-age homes or in these well-managed senior home residential complexes. These places are safe and well taken care of. Although there is fundamentally nothing wrong with taking these options, it does offend the emotional sensibilities.
There are many government-run old-age homes. Some NGOs also run old-age homes. The old age home is a cost-effective solution, where basics are taken care of. Here one can choose to live in dormitories or rooms like a hostel are available.
The other option is senior care residential complexes. These provide supported living and care. Much like old age homes, it also provides round-the-clock emergency care to ensure medical assistance to people on the premises. Here one has the option to own an apartment, with no hassles of maintaining it. The central housekeeping staff does the maintenance. They also have a central cooking system and central restaurants. Residents can choose to come and eat or the meals are delivered to their places. They also have options to cook when they want and join the community when they do not. Lots of flexibility is given. Usually, these senior care homes are excellent properties and are pricy also.
There are many advantages of living in old age homes or senior living residential complexes.
With age, people find it difficult to perform day-to-day activities and the loss of motor function capabilities is also observed. In an old age home or senior care home, the management helps them in daily activities. If need be, a dedicated caregiver is assigned. If more help is needed, it is arranged too.
There is always a doctor and nursing staff on call. In case of emergency, support is available to take the person to the hospital or first aid.
Steady security is provided which protects from intruders. This is not so when one is living in their own home. If thinking about safety, this becomes a necessity for a safe and secure life.
One of the major advantages for elders is companionship. They will have constant companionship in their own age group. It is very much seen that being alone induces depression and loneliness.
Such facilities are ideal for someone who is unable to live independently.
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