It’s quite ok to have a date, whatever your age! Isn’t it?
Yes, dates keep one quite healthy and happy and one should try to include them in the diet. Confused?
We are referring to dates also known as khajur in Hindi. 🙂
This being Ramadan month, dates is one of the most popular foods that are served as part of Iftars. They are natural sweeteners. Many desserts are prepared using them without any added sugar.
Dates are said to be originally from Iran, though it is now available and consumed across the world. Date Palms are mostly found in the deserts and they usually grow in clusters. I am born and brought up in Haryana and remember seeing dates trees while crisscrossing the state. As a young child, I find them similar to coconut trees.🌴
I had eaten or rather seen for the first time raw red dates when I had first shifted to Ahmedabad in 2003. I have ever since become fan of those sweet bright red coloured wonder fruit after taking my first bite.
The Middle East nations ( Iran, Egypt,Southi Arab etc.) are top dates producing countries. In these countries, dates are considered a staple food . The dates cultivation seems to be from the 6th millennium BCE. There are different varieties of dates available in the market now and each have diffrent taste and texture.
Dates is a nutritious fruit, especially when dried. It contains a lot of fibre and essential vitamins and minerals which are good for our health. Many people eat it as a dessert and they really make a healthy dessert but only if taken in moderation!
Let us see why dates are said to be an excellent food?
Dates have always been known for the rich concentration of antioxidants in them and help us prevent and combat a lot of infections.
These powerhouse of antioxidants protects human body cells from damage to oxidative stress from free radicals. Also, the carotenoids in dates help reduce eye-related disorders. They are also richly endowed with flavonoids and Phenolic acid. The dates have anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce the risk of cancer and help with heart issues.
Dates are good for bones as they have Copper, Selenium, and Magnesium in abundance. They also are a rich source of essential Vitamin K . Vitamin K helps in coagulation of blood which in turnt helps in bone metabolism. In post-menopausal women, the Potassium in dates is beneficial by protecting the bone mass. Hence, eating foods rich in minerals that provide bone strength and keep them healthy is important.
Anything sweet is supposed to be bad for diabetics. However, sweet foods with low glycemic index can be safely eaten by diabetics. Low glycemic index means is that the absorption of sugar into the blood will be slow. Dates have a low glycemic index. They are rich in fibre which slows down digestion. The fibre rich dates also aids in bowel movements and prevents constipation.
Interestingly dates also help to increase the production of insulin in the body. Hence can also prevent from getting diabetes as the sugar absorption rate in the intestines is reduced. Overall, it can be considered a diabetic-friendly food.
Every want to reverse ageing. Our super food Dates come with anti-ageing factors. The Vitamin C and D present in dates helps maintain the elasticity of skin. Funnily, most dates (especially the dried ones) come with wrinkled skin but may help keep skin free from wrinkles.
Studies have shown that dates can lower brain inflammations which are found to be associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Some studies have also found that dates prevent the formation of plaques in the brain which cause to cognitive loss. This is mainly due to the anti-inflammatory properties mentioned earlier. The choline and Vitamin B in dates helps learning and memory functions.
It’s time to Date !
Dates being good source of a lot of essential stuff that helps us stay healthy.
Come on, let’s go dating !
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